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Purdue University, ENE

Amirreza Mehrabi, PhD

Portfolio, Oct 2022



Amirreza Mehrabi

I am Amirreza Mehrabi, a graduate student at Purdue University in Engineering Education Graduate Program. I earned my bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology and my master's degree in Engineering Education from the UNESCO Chair on Engineering Education at the University of Tehran.

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This site developed by Amirreza Mehrabi as his Porfolio

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My Career Goal

Based on my statement of purpose for Purdue ENE application, I intend to become a professor of engineering education and define projects related to human prescription. My goal is to help people learn in a tailor-made manner by combining cognitive research and deep learning and trying to find some solutions by designing applications.

White Crosses

Graduate Competencies

Purdue University's School of Engineering Education emphasizes ten graduate competencies. 

1. Create knowledge

2. Synthesize knowledge

3. Communicate knowledge

4. Think critically and reflectively

5. Demonstrate engineering skills

6. Engage in professional development

7. Participate actively in professional community

8. Explain and critique education policy

9. Teach engineering

10. Apply Engineering Education Principles to the Solution of Instructional or

Curriculum Problems

for more information click here.

Synthesize Knowledge


Graduated engineering education should be able to synthesize knowledge by transforming it into practical knowledge to solve a particular problem. To accomplish this, it would be helpful if I reviewed the literature to identify some models, theories, and gaps. I will be required to write project reports, journal articles, conference papers, or any other type of scholarly report during my graduate studies to effectively announce the research results (synthesized knowledge). This section's advice also helps me to find different setting themes of engineering education studies.

Prior work:

A. Briefly describe what you did.

Engineering students' motivation in two leading universities of Iran (sharif, Tehran). A review of the relationship between motivation solutions for engineering students and fund of knowledge teaching approaches.​

B. What artifacts (concrete items) document this work?


The definition of motivation for Iranian students and types of intrinsic motivation.

C. Explain how the artifacts provide evidence that you met this competency


In this study, I read the gap between some definitions and the criticisms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and, using a questionnaire, attempted to determine their motivation to continue their careers in engineering or other fields.

Current Activities:

ENE 503 review paper:

In ENE 503  I am working on a systematized literature review about self-regulation in virtual learning.


Future activities:

NA/ My Ph.D. dissertation in its second section will have a synthesized research.



Create Knowledge


To graduate from the Engineering Education Ph.D. program, students are expected to be able to apply existing literature, established research methods, and theoretical frameworks to develop a new body of knowledge. If students are part of a Ph.D. program that focuses on research, they may be able to contribute to the advancement of engineering education or to solving practical problems.

In addition to identifying opportunities and gaps, as well as the researcher's vision of a problem in a particular field, I am able to identify deep and human-related theories of learning and prescription before attempting to apply technological solutions.

 Furthermore, as a researcher who intends to pursue a career in academia, I should be capable of organizing, categorizing, and mining meaning from data to provide a foundation for others' work and projects. So, I intended to be a researcher during my Ph.D. who follows and learns different research methods.

Prior work:

A. Briefly describe what you did.

from Aug 2020 to Aug 2022

_An Article in the Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier) on the Optimization and locating of wind and solar planets in Kuwait.

Sedaghat, A., Mostafaeipour, A., Rezaei, M., Jahangiri, M., Mehrabi, A. (2020). A new semi-empirical wind turbine capacity factor for maximizing annual electricity and hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,

_B.Sc. Thesis in hydrogen energy planets locating optimization based on gray system theory. I found a connection between two base theories of MCDM which led me to combine them in a new face.

Mehrabi A. (2020). Locating hydrogen fuel power plants based on wind and solar power plants in seven locations in Iran based on a new multi-criteria decision-making method.

_M.Sc. Thesis on TEL and data mining approaches.

Mehrabi. A, N. Araabi. B, Memarian. h, Memarian. N (2022) Predicting university classrooms’ mode of instruction in the post-corona world with the help of Statistical approaches.

_Article in Statistics education seminar

Mehrabi, A. (2021), Evaluate the Engineering Probability and Statistics book from an educational point of view and compare it with two other books in this issue, Birjand University/ In Persian


B. What artifacts (concrete items) document this work?

My B.Sc. thesis and M.Sc. thesis is not published yet, but I have some plans for them in the next two months.


C. Explain how the artifacts provide evidence that you met this competency.


Multi-criteria decision-making and data mining approaches are two powerful instruments for Data analysis and decision-making, which are helpful in Engineering Education research. Additionally, I understand why data collection is essential because of these efforts.​

Current Activities:


I am working on a second Explorer project: investigation of multicultural teams:

- The positive influence of international students on team-based learning effectiveness in undergraduate engineering education.

My role:

1. interview with interviewees about multicultural teams in Engineering.

2. Literature review in Fund of Knowledge, Tuckman's theory of team working.


A. What aspects of this competency would you strengthen?

_I will attempt qualitative courses to enhance my ability in research methods.

B. What activities would you choose to achieve this goal?


I will try to find a gap and answer this question: How could this theory be applied or situated in multicultural teams?

_work as a member in more research projects.

_try to read more fundamental articles.

C. What resources (information, people, programs, etc.) could help you with this competency?


_Faculty members.

_making a network of other Ph.D. students.



_In the summer of 2023, I will attempt in Qualitative research course.

_I will start my dissertation research next semester until graduation.

Communicate Knowledge


 My role as a researcher is to effectively communicate what I have discovered during the research (clear and exciting) to others, whether orally or in writing. It is expected that engineering education graduates will be able to effectively communicate knowledge that can enhance engineering education research and practice while remaining sensitive to their target audience and conforming to the JEDI principle when using the language used. 

Prior work:


A. Briefly describe what you did.


Mehrabi A, (2021) Budgeting in higher education in Iran. Investigation on an MCD method of budgeting in higher education. Monthly meeting of the Iranian Society of Engineering Education.


Mehrabi A, (2022). Did paradigm change in engineering students' perception by changing the material during Covid-19? Monthly meeting of the Iranian Society of Engineering Education.


Mehrabi, A. (2021). The motivation of Iranian Engineering Students, Increased interest in scientific-research activities of students in the system of university education Scientific-methodical online webinar. AUEZOV University of Kazakhstan,

Link of the news of this webinar on UNESCO chair on Engineering Education Site:


Mehrabi A, (2022)Water education, investigation on general water education in higher education of Iran. Webinar of UNESCO chair on Water Recycling. /1nTrSGCZaZUSMC4m2vJphUzBMkbBNaAzD/view?usp=sharing


B. What artifacts (concrete items) document this work?


_4 different certifications

_A researcher member in water education in higher curriculum at the University of Tehran.

_Active member of IEE.

C. Explain how the artifacts provide evidence that you met this competency


These documents prove that I practiced a great deal in order to develop practical communication skills

Current Activities:


ENE 503 Inquiry 5-minute pitch presentation: The experienced curriculum.


Monthly meeting in IEE about Engineering Education curriculum.

Future activities:

A. What aspects of this competency would you strengthen?

I practiced written and oral communication, In Persian about different aspects of Engineering Education. In Iran, there are a lot of professors interested in Engineering Education, and Auezov University is interested in Engineering Education pedagogy.

B. What activities would you choose to achieve this goal?


_Submitting conference papers/ journal articles

_Attending Communication and mentoring Workshop


Written communication: a group of weekly writing at Purdue University

Oral communication: Attending in Talk_in_science_Purdue.

C. What resources (information, people, programs, etc.) could help you with this competency?


Prof. Wei Khazarov

Prof. S. Purzer

Purdue Language center

ENE 503


Nov 2022_ IEE


Think Critically and Reflectively

This competency helps society to always try to be better rather than blind acceptance. Especially, as a graduate student of ENE, I know that the education system is not like a company that just changes some elements and ends to some expected result. Therefore, critical thinking as a bunch of models and as an approach supports by lots of evidence will shape the class and improve the quality of thinking and students' discussion. This competency helps me to accept ideas, think about them, and help me to implement the changes as an ENE graduate student.


Prior work
_Writing essays for the “teaching and learning Statistics and probability” open journal. These essays critically analyze the purpose of engineering education by considering the scholar's opinion is related to social needs.

In that essay on 2022, I compare three main sources of Engineering Statistics and probability in first-year engineering based on a simple questionnaire.

Current Activities
_Writing essays for the “History and Philosophy of Engineering Education” course. These essays critically analyze the purpose of engineering education by considering the scholar's opinion is related to social needs.

Future activities

I will try to discuss with my other students the present day of the second Explorer project because all of us want to send it to the next ASEE 2022 (Engineering Education Conference). it will be on the first day of December. It will help me to enhance my ability to criticize my and others' work.

first day of December.

Demonstrate Engineering Skills


Demonstrating engineering skills involves building a skill set as an engineer and demonstrating the ability to work in the field. There is an intrinsic connection between engineering educators and the engineering fields themselves. Additionally, I could gain credibility in my classroom discussions of engineering practices if I could function as an engineer. Interacting with faculty members in engineering departments and schools outside my home country is critical to my career.

Prior work

between 2015 to 2019, I finished my B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering. I achieved the Gold Medal of the Industrial Engineering Olympiad of Iran 2020 which proves me as an expert in real-world problem-solving. Some of the advanced engineering topics I studied include:

_MCDM method

_Project Control

_Human resource management

I was a Project Controler of different national projects like:

_Economic social  planning of the Urmia Lake catchment area

Moreover, I was a part of a research group in MCDM and Hydrogen energy

This research helps me to find better the future problems of industrial engineering. Moreover, it helped me to be familiar with a prestigeful area of industrial engineering.

Current Activities


_I am a co-founder of DEHAK startup which comes from my knowledge in a combination of different engineering areas of study which is agriculture, civil, and industrial engineering. My group and I received a high-prestige prize for this startup:

  • IRAN 2022, ENERGY GLOBE National Award: "Supply Chain Intelligent management in agriculture and improving agricultural productivity."

These attempts and achievements are rooted in my engineering knowledge and it makes me communicate and have a common language with other people with an engineering background.

Future work

As my M.Sc. thesis was in data mining approaches and my research area under Prof. Morphew is in AI, I want to focus on the algebraic part of AI more and become an expert in that area by attending AI courses in the EE department.

Plan of Study

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